Andrew Tate Quran: "This guy is literally mocking Muslims"

Champion kickboxer turned social media influencer Andrew Tate is no stranger to controversy. However, a post involving him that recently appeared on Twitter has caused a huge storm, even by his standards.

Champion kickboxer turned social media influencer Andrew Tate is no stranger to controversy. However, a post involving him that recently appeared on Twitter has caused a huge storm, even by his standards.

The post in question was made by Twitter account @ReachMorpheuss, which styles itself as a “messenger of Tate”.

The post shows ‘Top G’ relaxing on a bed while reading from what appears to be the Muslim holy book, the Quran.

It should come as no surprise to see Tate reading the Quran, as the influencer announced that he’d converted to Islam in late 2022. Since then, he has made many social media posts reflecting this.

Unfortunately, the photo in the tweet shows ‘Top G’ reading the Quran while wearing nothing but a pair of Muay Thai shorts. According to, this could be considered highly inappropriate:

“Covering the awrah (private parts) when reading the Quran is not obligatory. But a Muslim should always be in a state of purity and modesty when listening or reading the Quran.”

The fact that Andrew Tate was not dressed modestly in this photo was quickly picked up on by a number of followers on Twitter.

Andrew Tate Quran: What has ‘Top G’ said about Islam?

Andrew Tate famously announced his conversion to Islam in late 2022, and has made plenty of references to the religion on social media since.

‘Top G’ claimed on a podcast last year that Islam was the “last true religion” left on the planet, and also stated that Christians who believe in good against evil should convert to Islam.

One of Tate’s most interesting statements on Islam was the fact that in his eyes, people don’t disrespect Muslims or their religion.

This suggestion came to light again in May when ‘Top G’ responded to a tweet showing Satanists shredding copies of the Bible.

Tate simply stated the following in response:

“Try the Quran if you’re so brave.”

This tweet, however, drew plenty of criticism as it appeared to be inviting people to desecrate the Muslim holy book. Remarkably, the hashtag #AndrewTateQuranChallenge even went viral on social media following this incident.

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